An amazing thing happens when you get honest with yourself and start doing what you love, what makes you happy. Your life literally slows down. You stop wishing for the weekend. You stop merely looking forward to special events. You begin to live in each moment and you start feeling like a human being. You just ride the wave that is life, with this feeling of contentment and joy. You move fluidly, steadily, calm and grateful. A veil is lifted and a whole new perspective is born. (Jes Allen)
This is how I see my 2016 unfolding. It's important to do whatever it is that makes you happy. Many of us lose sight of that at some point in time, for one reason or another. But today.....this exact moment, is the best time to change this if you want more happiness in your life. I do.
The idea is to live your life in a way that makes you feel lit up. Alive. Full fledged. Beautiful. Know and find what nourishes you inside out, bones to skin and then build your world from that alone. All else is not part of your revolution. Or your ultimate evolution. (Victoria Erickson)
I've had some health struggles that have blinded my light within, but as each new day passes, I grow stronger and the light is getting brighter and brighter. I crave the things that I used to love doing and am building my happy world once again, with each breath I take.
Save the excuses. It's not about "having" time. It's about making time. If it matters, you will make time. (The Good Vibe Co.)
In this, I'm a true believer. It's very easy to use time as an excuse for not doing the things we love. If we want to take up a hobby, spend more time with our spouse or kids, be more present in our own happiness...whatever that may be...we will find the time when it's important enough to us. For me personally, the health glitch is just a bump in my road. It was never an excuse and now that I see clearer, I am making time to do the things that bring me happiness and joy. Some are big and some are small, but all are important to me.
It's amazing how the happiness of one person, or lack-there-of, can set the tone in an entire household. Think of your own situation between you, your spouse, children or whoever it is you live with. If one of you is continually down in the dumps and not living in a state of happiness, it can really affect your life in a big way. And in a negative way too. If you want to get out of the house more but your spouse doesn't (or maybe you don't even have a spouse), get out and do it. If you want to start a hobby, go to the movies, take a vacation....anything that leads you to happiness, just do it. Don't wait for someone else to find your happiness. I'm a stay-at-home mom who doesn't drive so I've had to dig deep to find things that bring me happiness within my four walls. I have a wide variety of hobbies that bring me happiness. It's not to say that we can't find happiness with family and friends, but true happiness comes from within and starts with you.
The only reason why you're staying where you are instead of doing what makes you happy is because you're scared. (unknown)
Think about that statement. Is that you? How is it possible for you to change the feelings of being afraid of finding true happiness for yourself? Some of the steps or changes we need to make in our life are very scary. I've been there recently. I had to admit some things that brought my whole world to a crazy, unknown place. But I trusted myself (and a couple of other amazing people) and faced my fears head on. Because of this, I'm able to do things that bring me joy once again. Staying in a place of unhappiness in life is not good for anyone.
Do what makes you happy but do it now. Live for the moments because everything else is uncertain; take advantage of what's right in front of you. (One Tree Hill)
I'm not going to waste this year. Life is too short and with every turn we take, we see loved ones being taken from us too soon. Our time here is limited and to me, this is the best reason to live life with the greatest abundance of peace, love, joy and happiness. Be with someone who respects you and shares your dreams. Surround yourself with friends and loved ones who bring out the best in life. Travel. Find a job you love. Make memories with your children, grandchildren, siblings, parents and grandparents while they are both young and old. No age is a guarantee.
Life is so damn short. Just do what makes you happy.
Happiness. This is my goal for 2016.
What's yours?
I TRULY agree to the wise words mentioned in the graphic picture. Your article is very positive and motivating indeed. Following the path of the heart leads to destination indeed.