Our 4th Anniversary

When I stop to think back on all of the things we've gone through as a couple, I am exhausted and amazed. A lot has happened over the course of 19 years and if you would have asked me on day 1 where I would be in life right now, I wouldn't have imagined I'd be here.

Obviously coming out, living openly, getting married and having a child are the most important occurrences in our relationship. Had we continued to live in the closet, or had chosen to separate and try to live as people we are not, none of the other things would have happened.

I remember the day I first told Rhonda I was in love with her. I was scared beyond belief. What frightened me the most was saying those words and losing her. But I had no choice. It was eating me up inside and I felt like I was ready to burst.

I remember the day Rhonda first told me she was in love with me. It was not on the same day that I told her. My heart waited for her and I'm thankful that it did. But we continued to live in darkness and fear for quite a few more years. We were so afraid to lose everyone who we loved. But we chose this time to work on us.

I remember the day I finally decided to come out. I was beyond being afraid. I was exhausted from living a lie and so hurt inside that I couldn't let anyone know that I was head over heels in love with my best friend. All I wanted to do was be free and shout from the rooftop that Rhonda was the one and only for me. As soon as I came out, I felt like a million pounds had been lifted from my shoulders. I no longer cared what others thought and I was no longer afraid to lose my family and friends because I had the one person who meant the most to me. No matter what happened, we were each others rock.

We lost family back then, but we were determined to live our life for us. I know that's what has helped people realize that we are normal, regular (kind-of) people who have the same wants in life as everyone else, which is to be happy. Adopting a positive attitude and living a grateful life are key in our relationship and marriage. We live with gratitude every single day.
We've had quite the journey over these past 19 years and 4 years ago, I had the honor of marrying my best friend. And 2 years ago, our daughter entered our world. If we lost everything in life and only had each other, we would still have everything.
Happy Anniversary to my lovely wife. Thank you for EVERYTHING. Here's to a continued lifetime of happiness.


  1. This is incredible! LOVE LOVE LOVE
    I am so happy our world is so much more open. I wasn't really in a closet, I only knew I was different. I thought that it was how I grew up but never thought I was gay. My friends all knew. Then I met Amanda and for the first time in my life, I could not make any ensue out of why I was feeling so much. Haha well, I learned fast. I really was a typical lesbian, I was ready to Uhaul after the first date. However I had 3 teens to consider. And thats also somewhat insane.
    I love the love you shared with this post, it is beautiful and I am so happy you married your best friend. They are the best wives!



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