Questions Anyone?

We made a wish and you came true.

One more sleep until the next ultrasound! I am so excited!! It'll be my first and we are hoping that it will be the day we get to find out the sex. So everyone, do a little praying for us that baby is in the right position.

I've decided to write this post to allow everyone to ask questions about our entire baby making process. I'm positive there are people who are maybe unsure of how we came to the decision to have kids, why we waited until now, how we went about finding a donor, the process...anything at all. If you have questions, this is the time. I'd prefer if you email them to me and I will do a follow up post with the answers. Don't be shy. I promise to answer tastefully. You can email your questions, big or small, to

My grandma was very curious about the process and came right out and asked us how it worked....even the little details. She just couldn't wrap her brain around it so she did the right thing by asking, instead of insinuating. I give her credit for being brave enough. I mean, this is something that most people never have to think about. It's normal to be curious and we are okay with explaining things to anyone with questions; especially our family & friends.

Ready....set....go and email me your questions.....


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