It's A Girl

This morning was Rhonda's 20 week ultrasound and I got to go. Sadly, I'm sick with a cold, but there was no way I was missing this.

It was amazing. To see that little heart beating on the screen was priceless. 144 beats per minute. Her head, her stomach, her spine, her little feet and hands and then to find out we were having a girl. Simply amazing. I didn't outright lose it, but the tears did fall. And once in the doctors office, we got to hear her heartbeat, which made the tears fall much quicker.

We are both very excited and shared the news with family & close friends before posting it on facebook. It was tough to keep it a secret. Maybe not for us, but all of those who were anxiously waiting to hear the news!! And while we are happy to hear it's a girl, we are even happier to know that everything with the baby looks great! She seems to be a healthy, growing little baby and we anxiously await the day we get to meet her in person. Only about 134 days to go.....


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