My Thoughts On Sleep

I am a huge believer in sleep. Sleep for adults. Sleep for kids. As parents, it's our job to ensure our children are getting the required amount of sleep. In order to do this, it's also our job to ensure that bedtime and naptime routine is put in place. Teaching babies and toddlers early on, that sleep is their friend, is highly important. When we create bad sleeping habits, that's when trouble sets in.

Begin by talking to your spouse (or if you're single, talk to'll only seem a little crazy!!) about what your sleep goals are for your children. Will they sleep in their own bed? Is it okay to sleep in your bed? How often? Be clear about your expectations as a parent and stick to it. Set up routine, be consistent and bedtime will fall into place. Read a story, give hugs and kisses and turn out the lights. Keep it simple and be cautious when addressing the crying, whining, "I want a drink," etc. You don't want to encourage bad habits.

Oh, I know there are parents reading this right now who completely disagree with me that it's that easy. But I know it is. Don't forget, I have had a dayhome for the past year (plus years of previous childcare experience) and have had the parents of a majority of the kids say that their children will likely not nap for me, some who wouldn't nap without someone sleeping beside them, etc. and all of my kids have been nappers in my home. From day one a routine was set and it has been very successful for both the kids and myself. Some took a little longer to settle in, but most did it quickly. After lunch, they are all sitting at the bottom of the stairs waiting to go up. I've set the guidelines, enforced them with simplicity and in turn, it's a much calmer environment because everyone is getting the rest they need.

The amount of sleep each person should be having is basically based on age group. I've done a lot of research and have noticed that most resources recommend about the same amount per age group.

0 - 2 months should get approx. 10.5 - 18 hours of sleep
2 - 12 months should get approx. 14 - 15 hours of sleep
1 - 3 years should get approx. 12 - 14 hours of sleep
3 - 5 years should get approx. 11 - 13 hours of sleep
5 - 12 years should get approx. 10 - 11 hours of sleep

If your child is not getting close to the recommended amount (including daytime nap) it can cause numerous issues with their development, health, behavior and even weight. Sleep encourages the body and brain to develop and grow. It is difficult to learn and absorb information when you are tired. This goes for both adults and children. Focus and concentration are altered dramatically, as is acceptable behavior. Tempers and patience are easily pushed to the limits with lack of sleep. You may notice this in your child when they don't get the nap they desperately need. Lack of sleep can also induce sickness such as colds & flu.

The goal is to give our children the best opportunities in everything they do. They should be ready to sponge up and absorb all that life has to offer. When children are well rested, they are able to engage more readily in all activities. Academically, they are able to achieve far greater results when they are well rested. It is so important to start good sleeping habits early. Currently, due to lack of sleep routines, 70% of kids under the age of 10 are having difficulty getting the quality and amount of sleep they need per night.

A normal bedtime routine should look like this:
1.Have a light snack
2.Take a bath.
3.Put on pajamas.
4.Brush teeth.
5.Read a story.
6.Make sure the room is quiet and at a comfortable temperature.
7.Put your child to bed.
8.Say goodnight and leave.

Making bedtime routine normal will help your child sleep well. TV is discouraged at bedtime because their little minds do not relax enough to have a good sleep. Over-stimulation of any sort at bedtime will likely cause your child to not fall asleep and stay asleep properly. I know for myself, I need some downtime right before bed. I have a much better sleep if I let my mind rest before I drift off.

Having a newborn in the house soon will definitely find at least one of us without much rest, but that's what having a newborn is all about. Our goal is to get through the early months and start to establish a good sleep routine with our baby girl. This is definitely an area that is unfamiliar territory for us; the newborn phase. But I have 100% confidence that we'll be able to work things out so that one day we will all be able to get the rest we need.


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