Maternity Photos

This past weekend was spent at my mom's acreage. She and her husband have a park-like place close to Christopher Lake, SK so I took this opportunity to take some photos of Rhonda. The beauty of pregnancy is something I strongly feel the need to capture. I know we will look back on these photos and remember a wonderful, exciting, amazing time in our lives.

Since we did get a lot of photos, I won't be able to post them all on the blog. But, here are a few I'd like to share.

This is one of my favorites! There's just something about beautiful.

Also one of my favorites because of the little Angel that appeared by mommies hand.

Last night someone was a very active little girl again. She must have been trying to get comfortable once mommy got comfortable. I rested my head on Rhonda's belly and in no time, baby girl kicked me in the head twice....hard! And then another time after that. We laughed. For the next little bit, I could feel her moving around a lot. She is most definitely getting bigger because it has been very easy for us to feel her through Rhonda's tummy. In the mornings when Rhonda first wakes up, often her belly is very misshapen because of baby girls position. It's VERY noticeable just to look at and of course, we can easily feel her when she's pressed that hard against mommies belly. This is definitely an amazing phase to be going through with her. And in no time, we'll be holding her in our arms!

Only 58 days until she's due to arrive!!


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