March 7

March 7 is the 66th day of the year (67th in leap years). There are also 299 days left in the year.

March 7 is also the date scheduled for the next ultrasound. It's a special one since we will get to find out the sex of the baby. Well, we're hoping baby co-operates so that we can find out. Mama's are gonna talk real sweet to baby and try to convince him or her to be especially good that day. So the countdown to ultrasound day is on!!

I'd really like to be able to go to this one. Not sure if I can swing it, with daycare and all, but I'd like to try. I haven't been to one yet, nor have I heard the heartbeat.

I'd also like to shout out a big, giant HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Rhonda!!!! I hope that you're day is as magnificent and wonderful as you are. I love you honey!! xoxoxo ~Crystal


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