Celebrate Earth Day

Today is Earth Day! Let's join together and make a difference.

How can you help? Even if you haven't planned anything, here are a few quick and easy ideas that will get you and your family helping your environment TODAY!

1. Clean your yard.
2. Walk around your neighborhood & pick up trash.
3. Visit the nearest park and pick up trash.
4. Plant seeds.
5. Plant a tree.
6. Hang a bird feeder.
7. Return your recycled bottles and cans.
8. Go through closets and cupboards and recycle old items by either adding them to your blue bin or donating them to your local thrift store.
9. Plan a spring garage sale.
10. Make eco-friendly cleaning products.
11. Park your car and ride your bike.
12. Buy locally grown produce.
13. Take your kids on a nature walk and educate them on their surroundings.
14. Use recycled items to make crafts.
15. Enjoy being outside!

Since we've already cleaned our yard, Brielle & I will take a walk around our neighborhood today and pick up trash. What will you be doing to contribute to helping our Earth today?


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