Survived The 1 Year Olds Party!

So the plan was to enjoy the party outside with tents for shade and a bouncy house for the kids. It rained. It poured. So we ended up with 30 people on the main floor of our small house. Needless to say, it was very cozy and everyone really got to know each other. But despite the weather, we had an awesome time and Brielle had the best 1st Birthday! We couldn't have asked for more. We are so very blessed to have such wonderful family & friends.
Brielle playing with Eligh.

The Birthday Girl!!

Opening gifts with two Great Grandma's in the background; Great Grandma Fitzsimonds & Great Grandma Sauve.

More gifts...

More gifts....

And even more gifts!

Thankfully she was busy enough to not have a birthday meltdown. She did very well!!

Beautiful stained glass for her window from Daddy.

Look at the mess!! Cousin Kayla was happy to participate.

She even got her own cake!

And loved it!!

After cake she went straight into the tub for a bath from the eyeballs down.

Brielle with her Grandma's and Great Grandma's who attended the party; Grandma Lavoie, Grandma Dyck, Great Grandma Fitzsimonds & Great Grandma Sauve. Such a lucky girl!!!
It took a while to come down from the high of the days events which means once we all crashed, we had a great sleep. Once again, thank you to each and every person who came to the party, sent her gifts, sent her cards and sent wishes on facebook. Love you all!!!


  1. She is so beautiful!!! Mother's would always want everything for their babies. That is why, for birthday's we always want them to look beautiful and to be happy. I see that you cute baby little girl was having a great time. You did a great job for the preparation.



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