Brielle Loves ~ 3 Months

Just look at our little Sweet Pea!! She's growing and maturing so quickly. Both Rhonda & I love this age. It's so much fun to have her look at you and smile...big, huge smiles! She definitely knows who her mommies are and it's so interesting how she prefers me to do one thing with her but not have Rhonda do the same thing, and vise versa. Anyone who says babies don't remember things at this age, are crazy!

Brielle has found her tongue. It's funny! If we stick our tongue out, she will watch and then do the same thing. She also loves to stick it in and out....looks like she's just playing and discovering with it. Another new discovery is covering her face when she's fussy, and playing peek-a-boo with her. She loves that and is all smiles and giggles. Works great for diaper changes. She hates to have her diaper changed so we've started taking a clean diaper, opening it, putting it over her face and playing peek-a-boo with her. She will smile and giggle and for a moment, will forget the task at hand.

While we were in Texas, Rhonda discovered that Brielle likes to stand, so we used that to our advantage. For almost 2 whole weeks, when she was fussy, we could get her to stand and her mood would change quickly. It didn't always last long, but take what you can get.

I can't imagine all of the changes that month 3 will bring. It's still hard to believe she was so teeny, tiny when we brought her home.


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