Moby Wrap

Rhonda is home from Houston and while she was there, she bought a Moby Wrap because it was much cheaper than buying one here in Saskatoon. So what is a Moby Wrap?

What are the benefits of a Moby Wrap?
  • Babies who are carried in a baby carrier vs babies carried in a car seat are more strongly bonded to their parents.
  • Significantly decreases crying.
  • Studies show that baby wearing significantly decreases baby illness; SIDS, behavioral disorders and even postpartum depression in mothers.
  • When worn, babies are more content, alert and are aware of their surroundings.
  • Provides parents with with increased interaction and bonding time with baby.
  • Carried babies learn language more quickly since they are positioned at voice and eye level.
  • The rythm of parents walking, heartbeat, etc. provides baby with a soothing, balancing effect.
  • Being carried provides baby with increased social development and learning from being interacted with more frequently.
  • Carrying baby enables parents to have both hands free, making daily tasks easier to accomplish.
  • Through contact with baby, mommies hormone levels (prolactin & oxytocin) are increased leading to easier breastfeeding, maternal bonding and thus making mom become a more responsible parent.
  • Decreased flat head syndrome from baby not spending all its time in a car seat or sleeping flat and putting pressure on the head.
  • One size, one peice of material, no straps, snaps, buckles, fasteners and uses entire back and shoulders to support the weight of the baby.
  • Can hold babies up to 35 pounds!
  • Machine washable
  • And more....

We have the Chocolate Brown color so it'll be good for either boy or girl.

Here are the basics on wearing the Moby Wrap. The website has complete instructions if you're interested.

And here are some ways to wear baby:

Hip Hold

Hug Hold
Newborn Hug Hold

Kangaroo Hold
I researched many wraps and asked some of my facebook friends, and this is the one that we were happy to purchase. Can't wait to have a baby to put into it!!


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