Almost Halfway There!

Rhonda's belly is growing and so is the baby. This week Rhonda is 19 weeks along and baby is now in the position to be measured from head to toe, which is approximately 10 inches long and the size of a mango. In the past, baby was measured from head to rump because the legs were unable to straighten out. But just remember, that's an estimate. It's not our actual babies measured size. 
Mouth & Lips
Baby has started to swallow amniotic fluid and the kidneys are producing urine. Hair on the scalp is sprouting, nerve cells are allowing the taste, smell, hearing, seeing and touching senses to develop in the proper areas of the brain and if baby is a girl, she already has about six million eggs in her ovaries. By the time she's born, there will be about a million eggs!!

Right Big Toe
Most mommies will have already felt baby moving, even if slightly and Rhonda thinks she has as well. These movements may be slight now, but they will dramatically increase as the weeks and months go on. Baby is constantly kicking, moving and doing somersaults.

Right Hand
A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on babies skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid. Good, we want a baby...not a pickle!!


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