13 Weeks ~ Mexico Baby!!

Yup, the time has finallly come for us to go to Mexico. We leave on Sunday the 15th and will be gone for a week. Our resort is the Gran Bahia Principe Tulum. What a mouthful! One of the nice things about this resort is that it's a stay & play, which means we'll have access to 2 adjoining resorts with all of their amenities. This will be our first stay & play and we're pretty excited about it becase there will be an endless amount of things to do. We've also booked a one day trip to Xel-Ha which is the largest natural aquarium park known for it's amazing snorkelling. It came highly recommended by so many, so we thought we'd choose it as our excursion.

My oh my, how baby is growing. It's hard to believe that our baby who was once the size of a poppyseed, is now the size of a peach! He or she is about 3 inches long, weighs about an ounce and the head is about half the size of it's body. Thankfully, by the time baby is born, the head will be only one-fourth as large as the body. Great! Wasn't planning on having a bobble head for a baby. Something I find extremely interesting is the fact that up until now the intestines have been growing in a cavity inside the umbilical cord. But now they will be making their way to the baby's abdomen. And although we won't be able to hear baby for a long time yet, the vocal cords are developing.

Also happening with baby this week; bone is beginning to replace cartilage, ribs are appearing, nose & chin are well defined, baby will begin to learn to suck its thumb, can open and close its mouth and the external genitalia are almost defined meaning that it's getting closer to the time where we can find out if baby is a boy or girl.

Rhonda had a check-up on Tuesday and things went well. Her blood pressure was up a bit but nothing that was of concern. She also got to hear babies heartbeat which was 166 beats per minute. There is an old wives tale that suggest if babies heart rate is over 140 beats per minute, that it will be a girl. So I guess we'll see. The next ultrasound won't be until March so we have a bit to wait to find out the sex.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone. I likely won't post again until we are back from holidays. By then, Rhonda will be in full swing in the 2nd trimester! Hooray!!!!


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