Parents Of The Year Award

Over Christmas we witnessed something that, in our eyes, deserves the Parents Of The Year award. During Christmas supper, one family (husband, wife & 4 kids) were celebrating with our entire family group. One of their kids had been acting out at home that day and had been warned before they arrived that he'd better behave. They weren't there long when he decided to act out and the parents did what every parent should do when they have warned their kids, but sadly most don't.......they followed through!! Mom packed him up before supper was even served, and the two of them went home. We heard other family members complain at how this poor child didn't even get to eat supper before he was taken home, and how horrible it was. Dad calmly responded with "he'll eat supper at home, he was warned."

I think Rhonda & I were about the only two in the household who we proud of these parents for standing up for what they believe in and following through to ensure their kids aren't being sent false threats and mixed messages. And while the other of their 3 kids were the best behaved out of the entire bunch, whispers from the adults of "the boys are not allowed to play rough or get rowdy or get out of hand" were being said when their dad wasn't in ear shot.

What everyone there had neglected to think about was how much courage it took for these two parents to stand strong in front of all of those people on Christmas day. How their son was behaving badly, yet everyone was feeling sorry for him despite his warnings ahead of time. How mom sacrificed her Christmas meal so that her son could be raised with proper discipline and respect.

Could they have let it go and sluffed it off? Probably. But then they would be teaching their kids what so many others teach their kids; that when mom & dad give a warning, they don't really mean it. Parents will give false threats over and over and over and the kids learn quickly that they can continue to whine and cry and pout and talk back and be disrespectful because mom & dad aren't going to do a darned thing about it. We watched it happen that very evening with other parents & their kids, yet nobody complained about them. Seems wrong to me.

Rhonda & I already know that we are going to be "those parents" who are talked about when we're not in the room. You know, because we'll be raising our kids with respect and discipline and we'll actually follow through with what we say. You don't have to be a drill sargeant to raise good kids. You just have to set your guidelines and stick to them. Don't make false threats over and over and over. All it does is send your kids mixed messages, makes other dread being around you because they are so sick of hearing you threaten your kid but never really do anything about it and worst of all, nobody wants to be around bratty kids.

Hat's off to these Parents Of The Year! You are great role models and others should take note.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more Crystal! That is the best kind of parenting! I know there are times I was not consistent with my kids, and it's not an excuse, just a fact, there were times that because I was a working single mom I was just too tired! As a general rule, though, they know that I will follow through! They are now 16 & 14 and I frequently hear from people "they are so polite and helpful" and "they sure are not like so many teens you see these days" and I couldn't be prouder! I know for a fact that I'm not always "Most Popular Mom of the Year" but that's OK cuz that's not what I want...I want to be "Most Proud of the Job I Did Raising My Kids Mom"! I am so happy to see that you are vying for the same award! :)

  2. Way to go! I hate it when parents don't follow through with discipline. We might not have always done the best job at raising our kids but they sure knew if they were warned about something that we would carry through. They still tease me to this day about counting to three, because if they did not do what they were supposed to do by the I counted to three they would get a spanking. I did not waste my breath on idol threats, just ask them. And frankly I did not particularly care what people thought.



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