Calm The F*ck Down

I read this article this morning and just knew I had to share. It is by far one of the best parenting methods I've seen! I'll tell you why later.

Latest Parenting Trend: The CTFD Method

I know many people want to stay current with the latest parenting trends -- attachment parenting, minimalist parenting, Tiger Mother parenting, et al. Well, I've stumbled upon a new technique that will guarantee your child grows up to be an exemplary student and citizen. It's called CTFD, which stands for "Calm The F*ck Down." And that's not a message to give your kids. It's for you.
Using CTFD assures you that -- whichever way you choose to parent -- your child will be fine (as long as you don't abuse them, of course). To see it in action, here are some sample parenting scenarios and how CTFD can be employed: 
  • Worried your friend's child has mastered the alphabet quicker than your child? Calm the f*ck down.
  • Scared you're not imparting the wisdom your child will need to survive in school and beyond? Calm the f*ck down.
  • Concerned that you're not the type of parent you thought you'd be? Calm the f*ck down.
  • Upset that your child doesn't show interest in certain areas of learning? Calm the f*ck down.
  • Stressed that your child exhibits behavior in public you find embarrassing? Calm the f*ck down.
Yes, using the CTFD method, you'll find the pressure lifted and realize your child loves you no matter what, even if they've yet to master the alphabet. You'll also learn that whether or not you're the best parent in the world, as long as you love your child, they'll think you are and that's what matters. Plus, CTFD makes you immune to those that prey upon the fears of new parents, like pseudoscientists and parenting authors.
To use CTFD, just follow these simple steps:
  1. Calm the f*ck down.
  2. There is no second step.
So, ignore all those other parenting trends and stick to CTFD. You'll be glad you did and so will your kid.
This post originally appeared -- without the asterisks -- on

Best ever! Right? Why am I a fan? Basically because not everything works for everyone. I will be the first to say that when something works for us with Brielle, we want to shout it out to everyone we know so they can try it. But it may not work for them. No biggie. It's gonna happen and that's just the way it is. I've read books and articles and blogs and posts and everything in between about what's right and wrong with the way that parenting is done and I've got to say, while part of a suggestion seems right for us, the rest seems totally wrong. Does that mean we're doing it wrong because we're not following the rules? Who made these rules? And who says we have to do it that way in order to have a bright, well-developed child? So, this method is awesome!

On the other end of the spectrum, while we're doing our thing with our child and are trying the "calm the f*ck down" method, we are being judged left, right and center. The things that get people the most are Brielle wearing jewelry, having her hair done, wearing matching clothes, that she knows sign language and has been going on the potty long before she was a year old. While we try to ignore other peoples comments (some are not shy to say what they think), it is very tempting to just shout out to these people, calm the f*ck down.

Haha....I love it!


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